Things to do at home this Christmas holiday

As much as we would all love to head to anywhere but your home over the holiday, a holiday away just isn’t in the cards for all of us. Staying home over the holidays doesn’t need to be a negative thing, though. Staying home with family, and maybe friends, can give you the perfect opportunity to do some things that you normally wouldn’t because you don’t have the time, the energy, or it’s just not something you do often. Here are some ideas of what you can do at home this holiday season.
Something by yourself
Creating some alone time for yourself during the holiday could be just the thing to recharge your batteries after a long year. Choose an activity you enjoy (like reading) and carve out some time for just you. Ask your spouse and the kids to give you the day or the afternoon for some peace and quiet.
If you want to try something new, you could always bake a new recipe or try your hand at some arts and crafts that you have been wanting to do for months but it was just never the time or place.
Something for yourself
There are always things in and around the house that can bug you. A door in the kitchen that is just slightly ajar, the plant in the garden that has been dying for months but no one removes it, the Tupperware cupboard that really needs to be unpacked, deep cleaned and organized. Enlist the help of the house for a couple of hours and tackle the things that have been bothering you. You will feel ten times better after and finally be able to walk into the kitchen without thinking about how much the skew door irritates you.
Something with your hubby
Quality time with your spouse should never be neglected. It is the time you two have to reconnect and invest the time and effort that your marriage or relationship needs to keep growing and flourishing. Ask the grandparents to take the kids for a day or afternoon and have a date day. Do something you wouldn’t normally do – have a picnic in the backyard, get a canvas and some paint and paint each other, drink wine and play chess. Whatever activity the two of you would enjoy doing together that you normally put off or scoff at, have fun and give it a go.
Something for your hubby
Your spouse has probably had just as long a year as you had and also needs to get a bit of peace and rest. Grab some massage oil and give your loved one a back massage to help them relieve stress and tension, prepare a spa day for them or give their tired feet a proper pedicure. And yes, men can have a spa day or organise one too, they can also give and get pedicures.
Something with the kids
There are so many activities you can plan with the kids, from baking and cooking days to doing science experiments to camping out in the backyard and frying marshmallows. Make a day that they will never forget and really go all out. You can make arts and crafts with them, build and obstacle course in the house and play hide and seek. Chances are that by the end of the day when they are blissfully exhausted, you will find that you enjoyed it just as much as they did.
Something for the kids
Throw them a surprise Christmas party. If they have a bunch of friends that are also staying home for the holidays, have a massive sleepover. You could ask some of the mums to stay the day and have a little party of your own if you are so inclined and then they can also help keep an eye on the kids.
Take this holiday at home and make the best of every moment you have with your loved ones before the daily grind of the new year has you stuck in your normal schedule again.